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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Borrusia Dortmund. Tampilkan semua postingan

Rabu, 09 Januari 2013


Whenever watching Manchester United play definitely I would favor his opponent. Do not know why, but such was the truth. My opponent to MU started by the end 80 era, when the first love of football. My first favorite team in  English Premier League  is Liverpool. Previously I known The Red Devils is Liverpool nickname. Infact later I realized Reds Devils is Manchester United nickname, Liverpool is The Red. So simple but that thats the reason.
At first I saw the game when Manchester United against Crystal Palace on
1990 FA Cup Final . But the 1997 Champions Trophy semi-final against Borussia Dortmund is a truly witnessed a good understanding. With all my conciusness I realize that Mancherster United is good team. Collectivity and passion for winning is Manchester United trade mark! We rarely hear noisy from managerial or dressroom of MU.  Sir Alex Ferguson has succed manage everything. This is first time I expressed my appreciate to SAF and Manchester United. I'm not fan but I am respect. The lesson from SAF, that  to get the success need time and we must concern with our job. MU spirit describe never give up attitude!

PHighter Diary (8)

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