Jumat, 30 November 2012

The Indonesian-Japan Innovation Convention (IJIC) 2012

Today I would follow the Indonesian-Japan Innovation Convention 2012 in Sabuga ITB. Besides being a first experience at a seminar international level this moments is also one of the tasks given by prof. Dr. Suhono Harso Supangkat, lecturer in Information Technology Management Architecture is also the General Chair of the activities IJIC 2012.
When viewed on its website, the event will be attended by academics and practitioners associated with developmental problems in sharing the field of innovation. Vice President Boediono is scheduled to open the event which will take place from November 30, 2012 until December 2, 2012 it was. Hopefully the show smoothly and can provide benefits to all parties.

for further infomartion you can visit www.ijic-2012.org

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